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insight 500

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insight 500

       谢谢大家对insight 500问题集合的提问。作为一个对此领域感兴趣的人,我期待着和大家分享我的见解和解答各个问题,希望能对大家有所帮助。

1.假如我是世界五百强的老总的演讲 我是个大专生,要在班级演讲,不知道怎么说。大概演讲十分钟,求帮助啊




insight 500

假如我是世界五百强的老总的演讲 我是个大专生,要在班级演讲,不知道怎么说。大概演讲十分钟,求帮助啊








       If you ask me is the world's top five hundred CEOs

        Your class how talk so big ah! I can't even imagine it! The rhythm of sweat, is full of imagination.

        Ready, start.

        I don't know, but I think that we should be from the overall consideration. If I were a fortune five hundred CEOs, it is clear that the most important thing is not my own to complete the work, the most important thing is seeing the big picture, to coordinate the work of various departments, and help them to complete the work. The work flow and the direction of the work of the establishment of a year, a keen insight into the market, once the market trend of any problems in a timely manner to make reasonable adjustments. In addition, there must be a good compression capability. I feel this topic so big ah! In addition, but also has a tolerant heart, inclusive heart, for the people, and the atmosphere.

        I believe that reading more books is also needed, and college education is not become one of the world's top five hundred executives, this is no doubt, must be in the bachelor degree or above, preferably of self-study exam. The English have a strong listening, say, read, write the ability.

        The hope can help to you, although I am in the world top five hundred, only one ant generallyunknown to the public, and, never thought about why the world's top five hundred ceos.

        You changed a bit, I think, should be able to use this article. Ha ha.












       1.据说是因为,如果把666这数字转换成罗马数字, 将会变成:

       I =1

       V =5

       X = 10

       L = 50

       C = 100

       D = 500

       M = 1000

       VICARIUS = 5+1+100+1+5( the U in Roman letter is V)

       FILII = 50+3

       DEI = 500+1

       total = 5+1+100+1+5+50+3+500+1 = 666

       在拉丁文中, "VICARIUS FILII DEI"这个字有写在教宗的帽子上, 源起于天主教. 法国友人的说法是" the one who in this world wants to play God", 也就是在这世界上却想扮演上帝角色的人, 就是指撒旦.





       ╁1、文字意义上的解释。666可能是从那些反基督教徒的名字上转换过来后的数字。基督教徒们进行了许多虔诚的推算,从不同种族的语言如希腊语,罗马语,英语,拉丁文等来用各种方法推算其换算后的数字值是否为666。需要说明的是,其中许多推算是很牵强的,比如罗马教皇,他们使用了一种很狡猾的方法来得到666这个结果。但实际上连基督教徒中的好多人也认为很牵强。另外还有一点很有意思的是,鼎鼎大名的比尔盖茨竟然被推认为英语名中最像是666的一个。不知道这位计算器业的超级富豪是不是真的是「野兽」的代言人。而且美国名字的一个简称(US OF America)竟然也被推算出对应数码是666,不知道这个很崇尚基督教的国家是否真的会第一个成为圣经中说的那样野兽的仆人。




       "666"一词在圣经启示录中暗指迫害基督教徒的罗马暴君尼禄,而后扩大泛指恶魔、撒旦和反基督教者。666这个数字最初是在圣经中记载, 启示录13:18中写着:

       "This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight,

       let him calculate the number of the beast,

       for it is man’s number. His number is 666"



       为什么是666呢? 因为七是神圣、祝福、圆满、完全的

       意思, 而缺一后重复三次, 表示极不完全的意思。

       首次被众人称呼的是公元初年的迫害者罗马皇帝尼禄(Caesar Nero)。

       尼禄的希伯来文名nrwn qsr, 依希伯来数字编码相加即得666。



       自从公元初年以来, 666即被教徒视为魔兽的代号。


       广泛的意义, 如恶魔及撒旦,末世时还包括反基督教者(antichrist)。

       ╁ 3.圣经中所有提到666的段落




       This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666."







       6兽就开口向 神说亵渎的话、亵渎 神的名、并他的帐幕、以及那些住在天上的。















       TREASURE ISLAND《金银岛》英文读后感(book report)


       The writor’s name is Robert Louis Stevenson. He was born in Edinburgh on November 13th 1850.

       His grandfather and father were civil engineering,made great achievements in the lighthouse construction. And they wished that Stevenson would take over their own enterprise. In 1867, Stevenson received his father’s decree to enter the Edinburgh University to study civil engineering. In fact, he loved literature when he was a child. So he asked his father to study literature, and was refused. But his father let him study law.

       In 1878, Stevenson published his first travel notes "Inland river Range". A year later, he published "Jilv roaming in mind" and "Man and the casual theory". Since then, he gave up his business lawyer, writing with great concentration. In a short period of his life, he wrote a large number of essays, travelogues, essays, novels and poems.

       1894, only 44-year-old Stevenson suddenly suffered from stroke,and died of illness in the Pacific south of the capital, Apia, Western Samoa and was buried in the local mountains overlooking the Pacific.


       My name was Jim Hawkins. An old seaman called Bill came to my father’s inn. He asked me to keep my eyes open for a seaman with one leg. But one day, a man named Black Dog came to the inn suddenly. And he fighted with Bill for something. Black Dog ran away with his blood running down. And Bill lay on the floor when he was going to leave.

       Then the Blind Man came and gave Bill a Black Spot. But Bill died just then. I told mother that I knew. And then my mother and I decided to ask for help in the neighboring village, but failed. Fortunately, several men were willing to ride to Dr Liversery. And my mother and I went back to the inn to get our lawful money, and I took the oil cloth packet of papers. Then we ran away and hid under the bridge. The Blind Man brought some other pirates in the inn for the oil cloth packet of papers, and failed, of course. But the Blind Man didn’t believe. So they quarreled when Dirk sent signals to let them run away. And the Blind Man was left along and killed by the running houses.

       We rode to Dr Liversery’s house. I gave the oil cloth packet of papers to him. And we decided to ready to find that money. Several days later, a letter came and asked Red Ruth and I to go to Bristol. The squire gave me a note to take to John Silver when I arrived here. And I found the Black Dog was also here and ran away. John deceived me into believing his innocence.

       The captain was a sharp man and he was afraid of a mutiny. So we moved the powder and arms to the room near by ours. Then we started the voyage. The voyage was very good, except Mr. Arrow. He drank too much after a day or two at sea. At last, he disappeared entirely with no reason. Before arrived the island, I want a apple. But the apple barrel was nearly empty, so I had to climb into it, and had a sleep there. When I was awake, I heard that Silver asked Dick to join him to create a mutiny. And so did Dick. They wanted to kill us on the island. I told all I had known to my friend.

       When we arrived in the island, some of them carelessly obey orders. The captain decided to make some of them go to the island for keeping them calm and let the mutiny came late. I quickly went over the ship’s side and into the nearest boat. I arrived first and ran towards the trees. And then I witnessed that Silver killed Tom and admitted having killed Alan. Because they didn’t join Silver. I was scared. I left there as silent as I could, and met Ben Gunn who had lived on the island for 3 years. My friends’ boat was turned over by wind. All of our stores sank to the bottom, and only two guns of five could be used. They found the stockade and stayed here after they landed. Ben Gunn killed one of pirate at night. So Silver came to talk about peace, but failed. After an hour, fighting began. Our defence was very good, and we had a good place -----in the house. So we wan first. Then Dr Liversery was going to see Ben. And I went away secretly with filling both pockets of my coat with food. I took the boat which made by Ben Gunn to cut the “Hispania” loose. After that, I climbed onto the ship, and striked the pirate’s flag , and killed Israel Hands before he killed me.

       I climbed down the rope and left the “Hispania” on the bay. I found that my friends were not in the stockade when I walked in. I was survived by Silver. Because other pirates all wanted to kill me. But Silver persuaded them to not do it. I also knew that Dr Liversery gave the map to Silver. So they decided to search the money.

       They difficultly found the place where the treasure was. But the money was missing. Because GUNN had moved it to a hole. The other pirates were very angry, and ready to kill Silver and me. But Dr Liversery ,Gunn and Gray saved us. One of them was shotted to die, and others ran away.

       The end of the adventure was that we removed the treasure to the ship, and left the tree pirates on the island. Silver went back with us because Dr Liversery had promised to him.


       After reading this book, I admire the little dramatis personae very much. And it make me feeling more. Jim Hawkins was a timid and shy boy at first. At the beginning of the voyage, Jim was only a waiter in the cabin. But he was able to fight with enemys, and recapture the ship from the enemys at last. Although he was always prone to became actuation. His courage and insight that had been represented make me admirable. I have learned many things from him, like brave, resource, accommodating and so on. If we also have the spirit that Jim has, many difficult questions must be readily solved.





       第一辆电动车于1881年制造出来,发明人为法国工程师Gustave Trouvé 古斯塔夫·特鲁夫,这是一辆用铅酸蓄电池供电的三轮汽车。它是由直流电动机驱动的。如今,电动汽车的类型发生了巨大的变化。


       1920 ——1990阶段:随着美国德州石油的开发和内燃机技术提高,电动汽车在1920年后逐渐失去了优势。汽车市场正在逐渐取代内燃机驱动的汽车。只有少数城市的电车和手推车很少,电池车也非常有限(使用铅酸电池组,被使用在高尔夫球场、铲车等领域)。







       好了,关于“insight 500”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够对“insight 500”有更深入的了解,并且从我的回答中得到一些启示。